Disposable Bodies
A full-length multi-disciplinary dance work that spotlights the hierarchical relationships of human and animal bodies.
"In Disposable Bodies, animals represent the intensity of life as they arrive hand-in-hand with other marginalized bodies"
Silvana Cardell
Aligning bodies—human and animals—in new relationships, Disposable Bodies questions human identity myths: cultural, racial, gender, and even species. Skeptical of the categorization of protected versus abandoned lives, Cardell proposes a new relationship to the natural world addressing “the other,” the nobodies, the most vulnerable, the forgotten. As dance is the artistry of the body, so too is the body that which connects us to all animals. Cardell upends anthropocentric narratives, illuminating an urgent conversation about new relationships to other species in the world we inhabit. Disposable Bodies is the latest, highly accomplished work from an established choreographer who continues to dive fearlessly into raw societal concerns, bringing her evocative and intense movement in collaboration with groundbreaking artists.